Friday, March 30, 2012

Birthday's and Anniversaries!

Nin in her Princess Birthday outfit!  (He He!) 
Last month Nin and I had our two year anniversary,  two years together and no major incidents, so far good thing!   This month she turned four, my little girl is growing up.  Help us all.  I am told that Labs calm down as they get older but she is not that hyper just a bit crazy.  Her favorite spot is the sofa and she sleeps, until she gets these burst of energy and just goes completely nuts.  I am not sure what that is all about, do they make medication for this behavior?
I think back on the last two years and what they have meant, headaches, getting slapped in the face in the middle of the night as she decided that she is going to chase the monsters on my bed.  Pillows and blankets that go missing in the middle of the night, some still have yet to be found.  I remember bringing her home and being so excited and hesitant, I remember how well she knew all of her commands and how quick she was to react to a command,  now I am convinced she is broken.  I know what you are thinking, I must have done it but really, it rains here in the DC are and I think that she has shorted a fuse!  She needs some electrical work done.  Just the other day we were at one of the metro elevators, a button that she hits almost daily and I am giving her the command, “Nin, push!”  Nothing, she did not move. “ Nin, don’t,” in my firm voice, “Push!”  She looked straight ahead as if she had never heard this command before.  I gave her a weak “Krista” correction and nothing.  We repeat this a few times.  Right before I am about to roll onto the metro rail tracks with her attached to me, she jumps up pushes both buttons (up and down) and while still up looks at me and glares.  Granted this is not helping her argument that she does not know how to hit the elevator buttons because now she has hit both of them with perfect precision, but the glare.  I was not sure if I should laugh or cry.  Clearly broken!  This is what I have to look forward to, what the next years have in store;  lots of attitude, little work and a lot of laughs.  I guess when it is all said and done it has been a good two years!  Happy Anniversary my Nin and Happy Birthday! 

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