Friday, September 30, 2011

She is just Nin!

Nin II (Can you believe there are two of them?)
When I ask people to pick a word to describe Nin I am amazed at their response.  It first starts with a puzzled look, a scrunching of the face, a sideways glance and then it strikes them..."Nin!"  Not a question but rather a statement, "Nin," she merely is indescribable in a single word. 

I have no idea where the name “Nin” came from, the most amazing thing about the name is she is actually Nin II – there are two of them in this world!  Rumors have lead me to believe that she is named after the band Nine Inch Nails, or the author Anais Nin, but no one really knows for sure.  What I know is that Nin is a compilation of characteristics typically not found all together in nature (oh thank goodness for that)!  It is a combination of silliness, with fleeting moments of brilliance, tainted by a hard head that is driven by food and sleep.  She has two gears overdrive and sleep.  In overdrive she cannot be stopped, no door, wall, or impending obstacle can be problematic – this is what makes her such a good worker.  She is going to hit that elevator button over and over, even if the elevator is off, until someone or something makes her stop.  In the middle of the night, she decides she wants out of the room she just runs full speed into the door – SLAM, “um, Nin…it’s closed” un-phased she gets up and walks back to her bed. Don’t fret, she will do it again tomorrow night and probably the next.   You would worry about her if you could stop laughing long enough to worry!

If you are a dog person, you know that all dogs have their own unique personality.  My first service dog, Ivan, was a big fluffy Golden Retriever.  He was very dignified, in fact too dignified to be a service dog.  I loved him to death but if you were to drop a series of papers, Ivan would look at you as if to say, “look closely, you have two choices here –I will pick up two items and only two, so pick carefully.”  And two items is what he would pick up, it did not matter what you did to try and bribe, coax, or beg him into picking up the rest he was not going to do it.  Maybe tomorrow he would pick up two more items, maybe. 

Next there was Steeler…Steeler is a fun loving, goofy oaf of a dog.  He is a little more graceful than Miss Nin (but then a bull in a china shop is more graceful) but he is a slobbering, lounging, loveable beast.  I still see Steeler almost daily.  He is happy to give up his working duties and to live in retirement, working was always somewhat optional with Steeler but his main concern was being with his person - ALWAYS.  And he still lives in his retirement that way.   

Now Nin…what can I say, she snores like a drunk sailor when she is sleeping and is loving life when she is awake.  She does not roll in stinky things (which I appreciate) but will jump in any puddle and if you give her a little room she will just plop herself down in that puddle for her morning, afternoon, or evening nap.  After all, she is NIN!

1 comment:

  1. Nin II was named after Nin I, who was the CCI facility dog of our good friend, Julie Stafford. She was a wonderful Golden Retriever and she helped kids in Special Ed for many many years. She has since passed away. We'll ask Julie if she knows where the name originally came from. Nin was routinely known as "The Best Dog Ever". We are the breeder caretakers that have your Nin's mother, Niobe II. Your little Nin was born into our hands. She was sweet and adorable from day 1. We are so happy to find your blog! Niobe has the ridge of fur on her nose too. We love it and many of Niobe's pups have it. We'd love to keep hearing about sweet Nin and your lives together. - Mo & Steff (and Niobe II)
